Pre Disaster Individual:
- Shelves for bookcases etc. should be fixed to the walls. Remove heavy objects from shelves above head level as these can topple over and fall
- Locate beds away from the windows and heavy objects that could fall
- Secure applications that could move, causing rupture of gas or electrical lines. Know location of master switches and shut off valves
- Make sure that overhead lightening fixtures are well secured to the ceiling & more heavy unstable objects away from exit routes
- Replace glass bottles with plastic containers or move them to the lowest shelves
- Be aware that with a severe EQ all services such as electric, water will probably be down. Emergency services may be extremely limited for few days.
- Store emergency supplies like water, food, first aid kit, medicines, tools, portable radio, flash light, batteries, blankets, fire extinguisher etc.
- Whether preparation of maps on earthquake prone areas done.
- Analysis of seismic risk & zonings for general purposes to be carried out
- Development of seismic codes of design & construction of various structures enforced
- Training of engineers & architects in earthquake engineering principles & use of codes
- Development of simple methods for upgrading the seismic resistance of traditional non-engineered construction and their dissemination to the common builders and owners by mass communication media, demonstration etc.
- Awareness to the community residing in the earthquake prone areas.
During Disaster: Individual
- Keep calm & help others to be calm
- Try to run safely to a nearest open space which is not surrounded by buildings, trees etc. but do so with great cautiousness.
- Do not use an elevator during the earthquake & do not rush to the roof of the house.
- Choose your exit as carefully as possible
- Once you feel it not possible to get out of the house/building quickly & safely, especially when you are inside a high rise building stay inside calmly
- While inside the house /building, choose a safe place to protect yourself take a shelter under a desk , table , bed or stand below the doorway( in case of an Assam type)
- If you are moving in a vehicle, move immediately to a place which is away from buildings, structures, bridges, electric lines etc & stop the vehicle there. Remain inside the car till the EQ stops · Do not light candles, gas stove, and cigarette (to prevent any fire from possible leakage of gas.
- Close your gas connection
- Free all your pets, domestic animals etc
- Though the shaking of the ground is frightening do not panic
- Turn your radio on…..
Post - Disaster Individual:
- Check yourself for injuries
- Examine all sections of your building & ensure that your building is not in danger of collapsing
- Get everyone of your house if it is found unsafe
- Use a helmet or cover your head with a pillow or rubber sheet while moving around inside the building
- Be prepared for additional earthquake shock called ―after shock‖
- Be prepared for additional earthquake shock called ―after shock‖
- Stay away from hanging portions of buildings etc and power electric lines and poles
- Close the valve of the gas cylinder and do not use open flames
- Do not switch on electric appliances if gas leakage is suspected
- Wear shoes while moving around
- Attend to injured person and inform the medical authorities as fast as possible
- If you are trapped inside a collapsed building, wait patiently for help. Remain calm and try to develop confidence
- Use a pipe or bamboo to detect any life inside a collapsed building.
- Do not spread rumors
- Turn on your radio
- Areas affected should be cordoned off
- Affected people should be shifted to safe shelter places that has been identified
- Make arrangement for burning dead bodies and animal carcass
- Mobile health teams to be activated
- Clean the roads blocked.