
What are the causes of landslide?

The primary cause of landslide is denudation of vegetation on hill slopes resulting in loose / unstable soil that cannot withstand the pressure of rainfall, snow or traffic. Clearance of vegetation for construction purposes or agriculture (jhum) has an adverse impact on the stability of soil. Tremor from earthquakes or explosion could also trigger landslide, apart from erosion as a result of floods and quarrying. 

Safety measures before landslide
  •  Investigate susceptible areas to identify factors of instability and carry out corrective measures to prevent/minimize instability
  • Carry out reforestation in barren areas as the roots of plants / trees will arrest slippage of soil. Plant trees on vulnerable areas
  •  Always be watchful on hill roads and try to note features like cracks on road surface and slopes
  • Do not build house near steep slopes, close to mountain edges, near drains or natural water outlets
  •  Construct embankment on high gradient slopes
Safety measures during landslide
  •  Be alert during heavy rainfall and continuous damp weather
  •  Stay out of the path of a landslide or debris flow
  •  Listen for any unusual sound that might indicate moving debris, trees cracking or rolling boulders (large stones)
  •  Be alert when there is a sudden increase in volume of water in streams and a marked transformation from clear to muddy water
  •  Contact local rescue units


What to do if you suspect imminent landslide
  •  Alert local authorities
  •  Informing people around you about the potential threat may help save many lives
  •  Evacuation or getting out of the path of landslide or debris flow is the best protection
  •  Make yourself less vulnerable and protect your head if escaping is not possible


Safety measures after landslide
  •  Avoid the landslide area. There may be danger of subsequent slides
  •  Look out for flooding which may follow a landslide on debris flow
  •  Help persons who may require special assistance  infants, elderly persons and the disabled

Do's and Don'ts During Landslide